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Writer's pictureColleen Considine

Okay, boomer!

Lifting the knife on the middle-aged social media war.

A boomer simply is someone born from 1946 to 1964. However, due to the culture of social media, it is now more than that. The boomer is more than a decade of people. The boomer is anyone who sways into old-fashioned, uncommon, un-human opinions. Anyone who simply does not 'get it'. Whatever 'it' is. The 'it' is what youth and whoever is 'woke' understand. You may be a woke boomer, but you're still a boomer.

Recently, more and more boomers are being awakened from the large pit of boomers and dashing toward Facebook. They haven't anything better to do in their lives, so feel it necessary to point out the obvious. An opinion that no one even wants.

Facebook is for the 35+ generation. Specifically, the late 40s and early 50s. Every week there is a brand-new family member or ‘friend’ on Facebook, proudly stating their unnecessary viewpoint. Quite literally someone who really may not understand the facts fully is posting what they think is right. Without a care in the world that they may be re-posting or stating something rather harmful.

Meaning, as annoying as it is to read family members state their opinion, I’m glad for them to do so. Although, the point is, it shouldn’t result in an endless argument. When someone actually comments back using that amazing comment button, don’t be a boomer. Otherwise, why state an opinion to begin with? There are people from each angle throwing in their viewpoint. Which I might add, as cleverly backed-up as it is, you are often better say nothing. Why even bother to comment back? Surely it will just end in disaster if the opinion is ridiculous to begin with. You know what you’re getting yourself into. No one that ignorant deserves a response.

Oh, but don’t worry that they, or you are doing it. You have no real idea what you’re talking about. And that’s just fine because you are ‘offended’. You feel that someone offended you and it is your job to tell them otherwise. Because you really are going to solve all our first-world problems. Someone who hasn’t been taught at all about politics. You read from a news outlet who tells you exactly what you want to hear. Making it most definitely correct. And because it is coming from you and you’ve said so, well it must be true!

As much as I’d like to 'out' the people who really do annoy me on social media, we would be here for a fairly long time. So, I’ll do the smart thing and stay silent in the middle-aged social war.

In quite a strange way I do think that even when someone is in the wrong (in my perspective they are wrong anyway) they should have their opinion told. This idea it seems is rather old-fashioned. Well, for my generation it appears. Many people badger on about ‘our constitutional right for freedom of speech.’ It is true. If you can’t help but give out an opinion, be fully prepared for the opposite one in return. Otherwise, the whole idea of an opinion and your opinion is actually pointless. Which really makes this whole article rather pointless you say? No.

The problem is, where an opinion is given, a counterargument is provided. Both boomers proceed to have a social argument. Simply because neither like to be proven wrong. Or to be looked upon as though they are stupid. Worse than a boomer, a racist boomer. Like a child in a playground they don't like to be told off. Refusing to listen to the opposition.

However, what gives you the right to be so bloody annoying on Facebook? Some people are just plain ridiculous sometimes. There are racists I know all over Facebook. Yet, when outed for it, they don’t like to hear it. You are what you are. An ignorant middle-aged man who is but a fragment on this mysterious planet.

I love the fact that people, even when they say something stupid, they have had the balls to do so. Saying something so daft that they actually think is right!? It’s quite funny really. Even when it is difficultly sad to read. A stupid opinion that’s given out to begin with doesn’t even need the thought of a reply back. If that person is horrible enough to post something on the internet. While knowing full well that they are being an idiot about it, then don’t waste your time. You won’t prove them wrong. To them they are right. That is why they uploaded their opinion to begin with.

It is also the fact, unless you are writing a long and detailed article, identifying your own point and the one opposite. Then why bother comment on a post that won’t really end-up anywhere?

The boomer is an endless problem on social media. They do not understand common logic. They are old fashioned in their views, because let's face it the problem lies in the fact they are old. They are too old for modern life. For one thing, they don't understand how to use social media. Endless bad selfies, unnecessarily providing their opinion and awful jokes.

I’ve realised in the last year or so, you are often louder when left unspoken. Rather than respond with a long, intelligent 600-word article comment, why not let them think that you agree by not saying anything at all? Let them think they are right. Re-post it and say nothing.

It’s also a culture point. Middle-aged adults always seem to think they are right. You have been on the planet for longer, so you know more. Congratulations you participated in helping get us on lockdown. You survived. Well done, I take my imaginary cap off to you and raise my pint. You're old, we get it. Even better, you feel your view is wanted. If you feel so strongly about it, I thoroughly advise you study journalism and create a magazine.

The best thing of all, everyone is always complaining about journalists. How is someone who studied their area of writing for years the bad person? Over someone who works in a supermarket and hasn’t really the first clue what they’re saying? So, it’s fine for you to state your ridiculous opinion, then argue with the backlash which is cleverly backed-up. Yet when a journalist is simply doing their job, they are in the wrong. Okay. Makes perfect sense.

Just do not go down to their level and reply with a statement which will result in a social argument. It looks petty on both sides. Because at the end of the day boomers, as us youth like to call them, are 'passive progressive.'

If you are a boomer, don't be an annoying boomer. Even worse, don't be a Karen. No one likes Karen. And if you don't know what a Karen is, you really are a boomer.

If you want to help in the fight toward helping boomers help society in the right way. Then do the right thing and re-posting and out that racist boomer. And you too can help in the fight to stop these boomers from using social media. Or, create a boomer help line.

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