Grafter is a magazine for independent thinkers on all sides of the political spectrum. Aiming to encapsulate Britain today, it is a platform for people whose voices are often muted by mainstream media, those outside the bubble of London who are anything but the lowest common denominator. Grafter is a window into the real lives of fringe society; a mouthpiece for those with a lot to say but nowhere to say it until now.
In this first issue, the theme followed throughout is that of Britain's "crap places to live". Along our alternative tour of the nation we meet a political activist, a navy veteran and a squat photographer; each a unique and honest voice in the field of British creativity.
Grafter: the most interesting people are those you don't even know exist.
In June last year we released Grafter's print issue 1 which is now available as a digital magazine. In February of this year we released the first digital only Grafter magazine.
Click here to get your Grafter 2020 issue 1 magazine now.
Click here to purchase Grafter's digital only 2021 magazine.
Also available, 40 limited-edition tote bags designed by the fantastic Bedford-based graphic artist Morgan Musselle and printed at Boyds Printworks in Bedford. Get your shoplifting bag now.
Contribute to Grafter!
Contributions are always open to Grafter magazine, we're always on the lookout for personal stories, essays, interviews, reviews, your projects and work you want to share. Or maybe you have a piece of work you want written about, reviewed or featured, send that in too!
Just drop us an email to - graftermagazine@gmail.com and make sure you include the topic in the subject!
Don't forget to tag us in your posts on Instagram and Twitter, keep sharing our content and tag us in your stories too!